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Occurrence and Risk Assessment of Atrazine and Diuron in Well and Surface Water of a Cornfield Rural Region

dc.rights.license - Atribuciónes_MX
dc.contributor.authorBRENDA LAGUNAS BASAVEes_MX
dc.contributor.authorHugo Albeiro Saldarriaga Noreñaes_MX
dc.contributor.authorMARIANA ROMERO AGUILARes_MX
dc.contributor.authorJOSEFINA VERGARA SANCHEZes_MX
dc.contributor.authorMARIO ALFONSO MURILLO TOVARes_MX
dc.coverage.spatialMEX - Méxicoes_MX
dc.descriptionHerbicides have contributed to increased agricultural production. However, their residual amount can cause negative effects on environmental and public health. Therefore, this work aimed to determine the occurrence of both atrazine and diuron in surface and well water and investigate their link with drinking use. The samples were collected during dry and rainy seasons in three wells and surface water from a river and a pond located in the low plains of the Ixcatepec catchment, at the Amacuáhuitl community of the municipality of Arcelia, Guerrero State, in the center south of México, which is a rural community where farming is the main activity. The compounds were obtained by solid phase extraction and determined by HPLC-MS quadrupole with positive electrospray ionization mode. A geomorphic analysis was conducted inside the Ixcatepec catchment using the digital elevation model of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, SRTM-v4. The human risk for drinking water was calculated according to the Hazard Quotient. The concentrations of atrazine and diuron were between 5.77 and 402 ng L−1. Atrazine was the most abundant and frequent pesticide found with an average concentration of 105.18 ng L−1, while that of diuron was 86.56 ng L−1. The highest levels were found in pond Ushe, likely being the result of the lowest flow and stagnation of water, and during the cold-dry season a consequence of mobilization by irrigation runoff. The morphological analysis indicated that the compounds mainly reached body water located in the lower surfaces from cultivated areas. Therefore, the occurrence is mainly linked to agriculture activity within the rural community. However, chemical properties of compounds, crop irrigation, and environmental conditions could be contributing to the dispersion of residual amounts of herbicides within the hydrological system. The estimation of risk showed that atrazine can mainly generate health problems for children using the Azul well as a source of drinking water.es_MX
dc.formatpdf - Adobe PDFes_MX
dc.languageeng - Ingléses_MX
dc.publisherMDPI Open Access Journalses_MX
dc.rightsopenAccess - Acceso Abiertoes_MX
dc.subject2 - BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICAes_MX
dc.subject.classificationatrazine; diuron; water; well; corn; cropes_MX
dc.subject.other23 - QUÍMICAes_MX
dc.titleOccurrence and Risk Assessment of Atrazine and Diuron in Well and Surface Water of a Cornfield Rural Regiones_MX
dc.typearticle - Artículoes_MX
uaem.unidadFacultad de Ciencias Químicas e Ingeniería - Facultad de Ciencias Químicas e Ingenieríaes_MX
uaem.unidadCentro de Investigaciones Químicas (CIQ) - Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas (IICBA) - Centro de Investigaciones Químicas (CIQ) - Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas (IICBA)es_MX
dc.audienceresearchers - Investigadoreses_MX

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  • Colección Revistas de Investigación [247]
    Artículos publicados por investigadores de la UAEM en revistas de investigación, sean éstas de la UAEM o de otras instituciones nacionales o extranjeras.

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